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Safe Summer Programming has Returned to CCD Parks

Center City District summer programming returns this week to Dilworth Park and Sister Cities Park, featuring smaller-scale, lower-key events for guests of all ages.


CCD Awarded $3.5 Million Grant for the Rail Park

The Center City District (CCD) is pleased to announce that it has been awarded a Redevelopment Assistance Capital Program (RACP) grant of $3.5 million from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, which should enable the CCD to begin construction this fall on the Viaduct Rail Park.


Arts and Culture Entertainment Continues in Dilworth Park with Support from PNC Bank

Center City District continues to provide year-round activities in Dilworth Park as free arts and culture programming extends into the fall with support from PNC Bank. Returning events include Live @ Lunch presented by PNC, which begins on Wednesday, September 7 and continues every Wednesday and Thursday through October 13, and The Arts on Center Stage Encore, which will be hosted on select Wednesday and Thursday evenings from September 1 through September 14. Attendance is free for everyone.


Skip the Dishes. Order Directly from Restaurants. Tip Generously.

Center City District (CCD) is launching an advertising campaign across multiple media platforms to promote Philadelphia’s restaurants during the coldest winter months from January through March. The new campaign encourages the public to patronize restaurants through takeout orders, because not all restaurants have been able to install heated outdoor dining areas and the return to indoor dining will probably be gradual when it begins.


Center City District Reauthorization Approved For 2023-2027

The 2023-2027 Plan and Budget for the CCD was unanimously approved by City Council and signed into law after being overwhelmingly approved by District property owners. The CCD's focus remains on ensuring a clean, safe, attractive, well-managed public environment for downtown Philadelphia.


CCD/CPDC Reports Look Back on 2020, Look Ahead to Continued Recovery

At the start of 2020, before the pandemic upended daily life and shook every aspect of the city’s economy, Philadelphia was in its 11th straight year of growth. Now, as vaccination rates rise and vitality is steadily returning to the downtown and neighborhoods throughout Philadelphia, the CCD and CPDC are releasing a pair of reports which look at the past year’s challenges and track multiple indicators of recovery.


Getting More Philadelphians Back to Work: Business Density and the Role of Black and Minority Owned Businesses

This report by CCD, CPDC examines disparities between the number of Black-owned and white-owned businesses in Philadelphia and compares them to four other East Coast cities


‘State of Center City, 2017’: Opportunities Abound, Challenges Persist

The 75-page State of Center City, 2017 report has been released, utilizing the latest research, original reporting and analysis, plus charts and photos to present a downtown that has progressed a long way, but presents a few lingering challenges.