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C’mon Get Happy (Hour)! CCD Sips Is Back

After a two-year hiatus, workers returning to the office will have the opportunity to socialize with colleagues after hours with the return of Philadelphia’s favorite happy-hour tradition: Center City District Sips.


State of Center City Preview - Population Change

As a preview of this year's State of Center City report, a look at Philadelphia's population changes.


CCD/CPDC Reports Look Back on 2020, Look Ahead to Continued Recovery

At the start of 2020, before the pandemic upended daily life and shook every aspect of the city’s economy, Philadelphia was in its 11th straight year of growth. Now, as vaccination rates rise and vitality is steadily returning to the downtown and neighborhoods throughout Philadelphia, the CCD and CPDC are releasing a pair of reports which look at the past year’s challenges and track multiple indicators of recovery.


Center City District Issues Update on Rail Park Completion Schedule

The Center City District (CCD) is providing this schedule update to the Rail Park project, regarding the 13th Street pedestrian bridge.