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State of Center City Preview - Pedestrian Counts

As a preview of this year's State of Center City report, a look at the hourly pedestrian traffic, by time of day.


Rothman Orthopaedics Roller Rink Returns to Dilworth Park

Old-school cool returns to Dilworth Park this spring with the opening of the Rothman Orthopaedics Roller Rink! Beginning Friday, April 21 through Sunday, July 16, hour-long skate sessions will be available seven days a week. Everyone is encouraged to reserve tickets online ahead of time at


Downtown Rebounds: Greater Center City Housing Trends 2023

For two decades, the fastest growing residential section of Philadelphia has been Greater Center City. In 2022, the downtown rebound was built on decades of success: At just 5.8% of the city’s land area, Greater Center City accounted for 48% of the city’s total supply of new housing units.


Downtown Rebounds: Greater Center City Housing Trends 2023

Downtown Rebounds examines the cumulative effects of three decades of growth, the rebound from 2020 and its impact on housing markets, new and upcoming residential developments and homeownership trends, and the status of the rental market.


CCD Unveils New Banners Created by 8 Local Artists

Center City District (CCD) has retained a group of local artists to create a major display of new banners, currently being installed across Center City, to coincide with the partial reopening of businesses and the gradual return of workers and visitors to the downtown.