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Experience the Holiday Shopping Season in Center City

From pop-up shops and craft markets to an eclectic mix of contemporary retailers, and independent boutiques found only in Philadelphia; if it’s in, it’s in Center City this holiday season.


Dilworth Park Welcomes the Return of Winter Attractions this November

Center City District (CCD) is ramping up its year-round programming in Dilworth Park with our annual “grand finale” of winter events and attractions starting in November.


Lowering the Barriers to Full, Inclusive Recovery

Citywide employment has fully rebounded from the spring 2020 shutdown with 2.4% more jobs in October 2023 than in February 2020. But there is a difference between the return of workers to payrolls and the return of full vitality to Center City. The report suggests ways to accelerate the job growth and business formation rates in Philadelphia.


Trestle Inn Happy Hour in Support of the Rail Park

Join us at the Trestle Inn the first Wednesday of each month from 5-8pm for a happy hour to support the Rail Park


Liberty City Press editorial: Passing the Torch

An editorial looking at calls for reforming Philadelphia's tax structure.


Center City District Welcomes the Arrival of Autumn

Center City District (CCD) looks ahead to fall with a full lineup of free-to-attend programs starting in September at Dilworth Park, Sister Cities Park and Cret Park, including activities for families, the return of Harvest Weekend and the popular Hay Maze in Dilworth Park.


Shop Center City Saturdays Return to Highlight the District’s Unique Retail Corridors

The Center City District is the location for almost 1,500 businesses from one-of-a-kind owner-proprietors and unique restaurants to regional and national chains. On three consecutive Saturdays, September 17, September 24 and October 1, CCD is promoting Shop Center City Saturdays, an annual campaign that highlights the unique shopping experiences offered throughout the district’s many retail corridors.