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From pop-up shops and markets to an eclectic mix of contemporary retailers, and independent boutiques, Center City’s lively urban setting creates a diverse, ever-changing destination that attracts shoppers seeking the ultimate holiday experience in the region.
CCD, CPDC report suggests that Philadelphia should increase its commitment to quality of life investments and resume its prior commitments to tax reduction, in order to retain and attract residents and businesses and spur widespread and inclusive private-sector job growth.
CCD continues to provide exciting seasonal amenities at Dilworth Park into the New Year, including the Rothman Orthopaedics Ice Rink and Cabin and the Wintergarden.
Dilworth Park remains a safe, outdoor destination for Philadelphians throughout the rest of the winter season. The Rothman Orthopaedics Ice Rink, the Rothman Orthopaedics Cabin and the Wintergarden on the Greenfield Lawn can be enjoyed through February 28, featuring a variety of free activities. Increased health and safety protocols, like mandatory mask wearing and social distancing, continue in accord with State, City and CDC guidelines.
Winter celebrations in Dilworth Park don’t need to end with the holidays! Now through February 26, ice skate at the Rothman Orthopaedics Ice Rink and cozy up in the Rothman Orthopaedics Cabin. In the Wintergarden, enjoy twinkling lights and reindeer topiaries through March 26.
This CCD/CPDC annual housing report examines Center City Philadelphia's residential sector momentum and the cumulative effects of three decades of growth, the rebound from 2020 and its impact on housing markets, new and upcoming residential developments and homeownership trends, and the status of the rental market.