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Center City Recovery Update, November 2023

The total number of workers, residents and visitors in Center City continued to rise in October 2023 to 82% of October 2019 levels, with the largest increases among workers and residents. Overall, the upward trend in pedestrian volumes for the last three and a half years is showing no signs of having reached any plateau.


A Small Down Payment On Growth

This is a transformational moment for Philadelphia, when investments in economic development funded by the American Rescue Plan (ARP) can be combined with the long-recommended changes to Philadelphia's tax structure to prompt faster and more equitable citywide job growth.


Remote or In-Office Work? January 2022 Survey Results

Nearly two years after Philadelphia offices were ordered to close as the first COVID-19 cases were detected, and more than a year after vaccinations got underway, Center City and University City companies are continuing to adapt and remain flexible, while strongly valuing the importance of in-office work and a downtown presence, according to a CCD survey. CCD distributed a survey to employers to gauge their current stance on in-office and remote work, their plans for the first quarter of 2022, and factors they were weighing in making workplace decisions.


Center City Digest, June 2021

This edition of the CCD and CPDC quarterly newsletter includes: CCD President, Paul R. Levy's cover essay making the case for returning to work; CCD 2021 Budget Details; profiles of our essential on-street workers, Summer Park Events, New communications campaigns and CCD/CPDC Reports; How you can support downtown’s recovery.


Center City Philadelphia Retail, November 2022

Sustained by a diversified retail customer base that includes the third largest downtown population in the U.S., workers, tourists, and regional visitors, Center City Philadelphia is on pace for the second consecutive year of positive net openings, according to the new Center City District/Central Philadelphia Development Corporation Center City Retail, November 2022.


Center City Digest, Fall 2023

How do we fashion the city we say we want: a growing, prosperous, diverse and inclusive place? Read the fall Digest newsletter to learn what CCD is doing to accelerate recovery and what more can be done by Philadelphia’s civic, business and political leaders.


Firing on All Cylinders

This report compares Philadelphia to five other urban areas in United States. It documents how Philadelphia lags in firms that sell services nationally and globally, but suggests that if we replicate the success achieved by others, we will grow more family-sustaining jobs and a prosperous network of small, local businesses.