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Center City District Issues Update on Rail Park Completion Schedule

The Center City District (CCD) is providing this schedule update to the Rail Park project, regarding the 13th Street pedestrian bridge.


Center City Digest, September 2021

This edition of the CCD and CPDC quarterly newsletter contains a picture gallery of the work of our staff keeping sidewalks clean and buildings graffiti free; stories about the remarkable things our CSRs do every day of the week to assist pedestrians downtown; and our work in partnership with Project Home to connect those living on the street with services and shelter.


Center City Digest, Fall 2022

This edition of the CCD and CPDC quarterly newsletter includes: CCD President, Paul R. Levy's cover essay about economic recovery and the return to work, fall events in CCD parks, shopping, dining and entertainment promotions, CCD’s partnership with Project HOME, the Center City District Foundation, CCD/CPDC Reports and a recent CPDC hardhat tour.