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The total number of workers, residents and visitors in Center City continued to rise in October 2023 to 82% of October 2019 levels, with the largest increases among workers and residents. Overall, the upward trend in pedestrian volumes for the last three and a half years is showing no signs of having reached any plateau.
This edition of the CCD and CPDC quarterly newsletter details everything we are doing to speed up Philadelphia’s slow but steady recovery. The cover essay seeks to answer the question: If crowds are comfortably returning to sports arenas, theaters and concert halls, bars and restaurants, what’s the problem with offices, where social distancing and masking in common areas is much easier to achieve?
This spring edition of the CCD/CPDC quarterly newsletter includes: CCD President, Paul R. Levy's cover essay about the current status of recovery in Center City and what’s required from local leaders as well as details about CCD's 2023 budget, leadership transition, employee service recognitions, upcoming CCD park events and the latest CCDF supported initiatives.
This newly released Quarterly Market Update for Q1 2025, highlights the positive trends in Center City’s office market.