center city digest

Center City Digest, Fall 2024

In this fall edition of the CCD/CPDC quarterly newsletter, the cover essay offers highlights from research CCD has recently commenced on the conditions and potential of alleys in Center City. We frequently hear from stakeholders about the inadequate conditions of alleys in our downtown. We sought to better understand the causes of the issues and are working towards the improvement of alley conditions. The essay acknowledges how grateful we are for the continued partnership with Mayor Parker’s administration and her focus on making Philadelphia the cleanest and greenest big city in the United States. With this partnership, we have a major opportunity to reclaim Center City alleys and transform them into charming pedestrian walkways and gathering places that add to Philadelphia's walkable street grid.

Also In This Issue:

  • Have You Seen City Hall’s Glow-Up?
  • Fall Fun for Everyone at CCD Parks
  • Dilworth Park Celebrates 10 Years
  • Open Streets: Carefree & Car-Free in Center City
  • Meet CCD’s On-Street Teams and much more

Download the newsletter here, or view it down below.