
Looking Beyond the Pandemic

On Wednesday, December 15, 2020, CPDC hosted a virtual membership meeting to review the CCD/CPDC’s December monthly update, Monitoring Philadelphia’s Economic Recovery and discuss with industry leaders the current status and future prospects for Center City’s office, health care, technology, retail and residential sectors. Panelists discussed what’s needed for recovery and more accelerated, inclusive growth in Philadelphia.

Deborah Buhles, Vice President, Administration, Comcast
Paige Jaffe, Managing Director, JLL
Clayton Mitchell, Senior Vice President, Jefferson Real Estate and Facilities
Jim Pearlstein, President, Pearl Properties
Jack Soloff, Senior Managing Director, Newmark Knight Frank

Paul R. Levy, Executive Director, CPDC

Membership meetings are open to all members of CPDC firms. 

In The News

December 15, 2020 | ‘Bullish’ on Center City’s future, Metro Philadelphia
December 17, 2020 | What will Center City’s post-pandemic recovery look like?, Technical.ly Philly

Watch the CPDC membership meeting presentation below.