
Growing Black- and Minority-Owned & All Businesses in Philadelphia Presentation

On September 29, 2020, CPDC hosted a virtual membership meeting to discuss the findings from the recent CCD/CPDC report, Getting More Philadelphians Back to Work: Business Density and the Role of Black and Minority Owned Businesses, which documented the challenging fact that among four East Coast cities, Philadelphia has the both the lowest of number of Black-owned firms in relation to the total number of Black residents and the lowest number of all businesses in relation to the total population.

Paul R. Levy briefly introduced the discussion by highlighting the findings from that report. Our keynote speaker, Ron Busby then placed this issue in a national context and highlighted those cities that are addressing the development of Black businesses in the most effective ways, including: providing access to capital, offering strong public sector support for business development and those places in which the private sector is taking the leadership in supporting and fostering the growth of Black-owned businesses. Our local panelists highlighted the progress in Philadelphia and what needs to be done to grow the economy for all.

Keynote Speaker: Ron Busby, President & CEO, U.S. Black Chambers Inc. (USBC)

Steven Scott Bradley, President & CEO, Bradley & Bradley Associates; Chairman, African-American Chamber of Commerce, PA, NJ & DE (AACC)
Della Clark, President & CEO, The Enterprise Center
Jerry Sweeney, President & CEO, Brandywine Realty Trust

In The News

October 6, 2020 | Access to capital is biggest hurdle for Philadelphia’s Black-owned businesses, leaders say, Philadelphia Business Journal
September 30, 2020 | U.S. Black Chambers, Inc. president says Philadelphia Black-owned businesses need help, The Philadelphia Tribune

Watch the CPDC membership meeting presentation below.