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In Memoriam: William P. Hughes, Sr.

The Center City District is very saddened to announce that William P. Hughes, Sr., Vice President of Public Safety and Cleaning Operations, died on February 1, after a long illness.


Monitoring Philadelphia’s Economic Recovery, January 2022

The just-updated Monitoring Philadelphia’s Economic Recovery monthly report from Center City District/Central Philadelphia Development Corporation provides a snapshot of current conditions and an overview of 2021 based on key economic indicators, commercial office and housing market trends, local tax revenues, transit ridership, parking volumes and pedestrian activity in Center City.


Greater Center City Housing 2020: Strong Fundamentals (Interrupted)

Conditions prior to the current crisis. Philadelphia will rebound; underlying fundamentals remain strong. When recovery comes, we have strengths to build on, challenges to address.


Outdoor Seating 2019

The Outdoor Seating report is an annual survey of outdoor cafés and seating in and around downtown Philadelphia.


Center City District Marks 30 Years of Keeping Downtown Philadelphia Clean, Safe and Attractive

CCD is marking its 30th year of enhancing the vitality of downtown Philadelphia as a thriving 24-hour environment and a great place to live and work.


Downtown Vitality: A Deeper Look Into Office Trends

Pedestrian activity in Center City has continued its gradual two-year upward trend, buoyed by a substantial ongoing increase in downtown residents as well as the return of visitors and a slower but notable return of office workers, according to this new report from CCD/CPDC.