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Homeless Outreach Teams Return to Center City

Center City District (CCD) is preparing to launch an expanded version of last year’s homeless outreach effort that helped more than 130 individuals come off the streets and connect with needed services and shelter.


Bicycle Commuting 2016

Philadelphia’s dense, compact downtown and relatively flat topography are excellent for bicycle commuting. A survey and report by CCD shows the number of bike commuters is up.


State of Center City 2023

Does Philadelphia Have What It Needs to Recover? This Center City District/Central Philadelphia Development Corporation report highlights Philadelphia’s signs of recovery and examines the serious challenges that must be addressed.


Center City Digest, Winter 2019

The CCD's quarterly newsletter. In this issue: Two-Handed Solutions; Meet Emrah Ulcay; Thank You for Your Support; Homeless Outreach Continues in Center City; and more.


Center City Digest, Fall 2019

The CCD's quarterly newsletter. In this issue- Center City Developments: Sustaining Momentum; Meet CCD's New Police Captain; Plant Center City Continues this Fall; and more.


Philadelphia’s New Job Growth Concentrated In Sectors Paying $35,000 or Less

After decades of economic contraction, Philadelphia has added jobs for nine straight years, an unbroken growth streak not seen since the boom years of World War II.


Center City District Welcomes Even More Office Workers this Fall

CCD is celebrating workers who are back in the office — and encouraging others to join them — with a series of morning and afternoon events.


Center City’s Retail Scene Continues Growing

Center City’s transformation into a 24-hour downtown is reflected in its burgeoning retail scene, with residential, convention and tourism growth expanding beyond the historic customer base of office, education and health care employees and students.