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Center City District Restaurant Week Returns in January

One of Philadelphia’s most eagerly awaited foodie traditions returns January 14-26, 2018 with over 120 participants offering an exciting and delicious variety of dishes for a great price.


So Much to Look Forward to in CCD Parks this Fall

As the weather cools down in Philadelphia, the fun heats up at CCD Parks. Center City District has plenty in store to celebrate autumn in the city.


More than 250,000 People Attended Center City District Restaurant Week

January 2017's was the most successful Restaurant Week in the promotion’s 14-year history. The 130 restaurants that participated generated $12.8 million in revenue.


Sister Cities Park programming offers summer-long fun for families

This spring and summer, Sister Cities Park at 18th Street and the Benjamin Franklin Parkway will be offering a variety of exciting events, from BYOB summer barbeques with live music in the evenings to children’s art, science and nature programs.


Something for Everyone this Summer in Center City District Parks

With temperatures telling us that summer is approaching, Center City District Parks are welcoming visitors with a full schedule of events and seasonal amenities. Beginning June 1 through the end of August, expect everything from dancing fountains and sprawling lawns to art installations and a splashing pond, plus outdoor concerts, educational programming and movies under the stars.