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Developments Momentum & Challenges

On September 28, 2021, CPDC hosted an in-person panel discussion at the Union League about real estate industry trends, as highlighted in CPDC’s just released, annual Developments report (live link) The Union League required that everyone have proof of vaccination on hand and all attendees really appreciate the opportunity to catch at the first full, in-person CPDC meeting in 19 months.


Rothman Orthopaedics Roller Rink Returns to Dilworth Park

Old-school cool returns to Dilworth Park this spring with the opening of the Rothman Orthopaedics Roller Rink! Beginning Friday, April 21 through Sunday, July 16, hour-long skate sessions will be available seven days a week. Everyone is encouraged to reserve tickets online ahead of time at


CCD: Keeping Downtown Philadelphia Clean, Safe and Attractive

The mission of the CCD is to provide a clean, safe, well-managed downtown so Philadelphia can successfully compete as an attractive location for business, education and health care institutions, life sciences and for tourism, arts and entertainment, dining and shopping and as the fastest growing residential area in the city.


State of Center City Preview - Population Change

As a preview of this year's State of Center City report, a look at Philadelphia's population changes.


State of Center City Preview - Retail

As a preview of this year's State of Center City report, a look at Center City's retail makeup.


State of Center City: Highlights

Recovery in Center City is gaining momentum. Workers are returning to offices; transit ridership and hotel occupancy are rebounding; arts and cultural institutions are welcoming audiences. The State of Center City 2022 tracks trends by industry.




“Philly Shines Blue” To Honor Health Care Workers

Every Tuesday in April, many of the most iconic buildings and landmarks in Philadelphia are shining blue to honor the heroic health care workers and first responders battling the COVID-19 pandemic.