CCD is pleased to offer charitable 501(c)3 organizations an opportunity to apply for a reduced rental fee at Dilworth and all of its parks for events that are free, open to the public and which do not require extensive set up and site logistics. Events that are organized and managed by 501(c)3 organizations or public agencies may apply to the CCD to have their event  considered for approval for the Community Access Program (CAP).

Permission to use the park should not be construed as a waiver of any of the park’s regulations or as an endorsement by the CCD of the position taken by your group. In order to accommodate the extensive programming on the site, the CCD will approve up to two Community Access Programs (CAP) per month in Dilworth Park, at our sole discretion, and at a time and manner most compatible with the goals and objectives for the park.  All activities must conform to those stated in the permit and registration form. All CAP events will still be subject to the costs of their event and other requirements applicable to events. At no time should an application be construed as a guaranteed approval.

Community Access Program events are required to meet all listed event rental guidelines and insurance requirements. If you meet these requirements and would like to host a Community Access Program event at Dilworth Park, click here to download the CAP Application Form.

For those seeking to express political opinions, the City’s lease with the CCD provides for a free-speech area on the north side of City Hall, north of the statue of Matthias Baldwin and east of the bollards that mark the entrances to Dilworth Park.

These rules are intended to provide a uniform set of guidelines for all activities including Community Access Programs in the park. Any exceptions made will only be in writing and signed by an authorized representative of CCD.

For bookings, please contact:
Kathleen Laux
Director of Corporate Partnerships

Interested in hosting an event at Dilworth Park?
Fill out the Rental Information Request Form or download the appropriate information below:

All official uses of the park require a permit.