Project Background
The viaduct was built in the 1890s to carry passenger and freight trains into Center City and consists of steel structures, elevated filled areas and arched masonry bridges that provide spectacular views of the city. The last train traveled its rails in 1984, and the viaduct was abandoned to weeds and disrepair.
The CCD completed the transformation of Phase 1 of The Rail Park in 2018. Building on that success, the CCD entered into a development agreement with the City of Philadelphia and has engaged Urban Engineers and Studio I Bryan Hanes to lead engineering and landscape design for the project. Construction bid documents will be completed by April 2025. CCD also retained Connect the Dots Insights to lead a community engagement process and received valuable suggestions from neighbors at public meetings as well as through online and intercept surveys.
With much of the land around the Viaduct Greenway remaining vacant and undeveloped, the opportunity exists to add residential and light commercial development and to create a unique, mixed-use, mixed-income neighborhood that supports the aspirations of the Chinatown, Callowhill, West Poplar and East Poplar communities.
The CCD has committed to raise all the funds to complete the renovation of the Viaduct Greenway with initial work supported by a generous grant from the PA Department of Community and Economic Development - Industrial sites Reuse Program and additional grant support from PECO Green Region, Poor Richards Charitable Trust, William Penn Foundation and Wyncote Foundation.
To help support this important project, please consider donating to the CCD Foundation.