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Downtowns Rebound: The Data Driven Path to Recovery

Can downtowns in the U.S. rebound and prosper? This fundamental question lingers more than three years after the global pandemic. This report seeks to counter misinformation and provide some of the data that can assist when making decisions and choosing actions that best support a robust and inclusive process of recovery.


SAVE THE DATE: 20th Anniversary of CCD Restaurant Week

The winter installment of Center City District Restaurant Week (CCDRW) wrapped up this past Sunday, with over 90 local eateries participating in the bi-annual dining deal. Celebrations, however, are just beginning as the program looks forward to welcoming a landmark occasion this fall. In September of 2023, CCDRW will return to commemorate its 20th anniversary.


The Bakeshop on 20th



The Strength of SIPS

Center City District SIPS is back, and it’s not just bars and restaurants that benefit.